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patch software中文是什么意思

用"patch software"造句"patch software"怎么读"patch software" in a sentence


  • 补丁软件


  • By the end of last year , after paying the us consumers , toshiba put up free patch software on its website for users of its notebooks to download as a remedy for the floppy - disk drive malfunction
  • It is advised to use a win98 winme pc or a patched pc to download the patch software and transfer it via floppy diskette or cd - r to the infected system . this is safer
    最好在一部不受影响的系统(视窗98 、视窗me )或已修补好的系统下载蠕虫清除程式,再经软碟及光碟抄录到受感染电脑上,这样较为安全。
用"patch software"造句  
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